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  • expression_plot

    Generates a plot of transform expressions over time with optional display customizations.

  • hide_axes

    Hide all axes markings from a pyplot.Axes.

  • legend_display_dict

    Creates a dictionary for the legend_display parameter of expression_plot().

  • plot_top_five_channels_of_gridsearch

    Generates correlation and p-value plots showing the top five channels of the gridsearch.


expression_plot(expression_set: ExpressionSet, show_only: Optional[str | Sequence[str]] = None, paired_axes: bool = True, alpha: float = 1 - cdf(5), color: Optional[str | dict[str, str] | list[str]] = None, ylim: Optional[float] = None, xlims: Optional[tuple[float | None, float | None]] = None, hidden_transforms_in_legend: bool = True, title: str = None, fig_size: tuple[float, float] = (12, 7), minimap: bool = False, minimap_view: str = 'lateral', minimap_surface: str = 'inflated', show_only_sensors: Optional[Literal['eeg', 'meg']] = None, minimap_latency_range: Optional[tuple[float | None, float | None]] = None, save_to: Optional[Path] = None, overwrite: bool = True, show_legend: bool = True, legend_display: dict[str, str] | None = None) -> Figure

Generates a plot of transform expressions over time with optional display customizations.


  • expression_set

    (ExpressionSet) –

    The set of expressions to plot, containing transforms and associated data.

  • show_only

    (Optional[str | Sequence[str]], default: None ) –

    A string or a sequence of strings specifying which transforms to plot. If None, all transforms in the expression_set will be plotted. Default is None.

  • paired_axes

    (bool, default: True ) –

    When True, shows the expression plot split into left and right axes. When False, all points are shown on the same axis. Default is True.

  • alpha

    (float, default: 1 - cdf(5) ) –

    Significance level for statistical tests, defaulting to a 5-sigma threshold.

  • color

    (Optional[str | dict[str, str] | list[str]], default: None ) –

    Color settings for the plot. Can be a single color, a dictionary mapping transform names to colors, or a list of colors. Default is None.

  • ylim

    (Optional[float], default: None ) –

    The y-axis limit (p-value). Use log10 of the desired value — e.g. if the desired limit is 10^-100, supply ylim=-100. If None, it will be determined automatically. Default is None.

  • xlims

    (tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]], default: None ) –

    The x-axis limits as a tuple (in ms). None to use default values, or set either entry to None to use the default for that value. Default is (-100, 800).

  • hidden_transforms_in_legend

    (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, includes non-plotted transforms in the legend. Default is True.

  • title

    (str, default: None ) –

    Title over the top axis in the figure. Default is none.

  • fig_size

    (tuple[float, float], default: (12, 7) ) –

    Figure size in inches. Default is (12, 7).

  • minimap

    (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, displays a minimap of the expression data. Default is False.

  • minimap_view

    (str, default: 'lateral' ) –

    The view type for the minimap, either "lateral" or other specified views. Valid options are: "lateral": From the left or right side such that the lateral (outside) surface of the given hemisphere is visible. "medial": From the left or right side such that the medial (inside) surface of the given hemisphere is visible (at least when in split or single-hemi mode). "rostral": From the front. "caudal": From the rear. "dorsal": From above, with the front of the brain pointing up. "ventral": From below, with the front of the brain pointing up. "frontal": From the front and slightly lateral, with the brain slightly tilted forward (yielding a view from slightly above). "parietal": From the rear and slightly lateral, with the brain slightly tilted backward (yielding a view from slightly above). "axial": From above with the brain pointing up (same as 'dorsal'). "sagittal": From the right side. "coronal": From the rear. Default is lateral.

  • minimap_surface

    (str, default: 'inflated' ) –

    The surface type for the minimap, such as "inflated". Default is "inflated".

  • show_only_sensors

    (str, default: None ) –

    Show only one type of sensors. "meg" for MEG sensors, "eeg" for EEG sensors. None to show all sensors. Supplying this value with something other than a SensorExpressionSet causes will throw an exception. Default is None.

  • minimap_latency_range

    (Optional[tuple[float | None, float | None]], default: None ) –

    Supply (start_time, stop_time) to restrict minimap view to only the specified time window, and highlight the time window on the expression plot. Both start_time and stop_time are in seconds. Set start_time or stop_time to None for half-open intervals.

  • save_to

    (Optional[Path], default: None ) –

    Path to save the generated plot. If None, the plot is not saved. Default is None.

  • overwrite

    (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, overwrite the existing file if it exists. Default is True.

  • show_legend

    (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, displays the legend. Default is True.

  • legend_display

    (dict[str, str] | None, default: None ) –

    Allows grouping of multiple transforms under the same legend item. Provide a dictionary mapping true transform names to display names. None applies no grouping. Default is None.


  • Figure

    pyplot.Figure: The matplotlib figure object containing the generated plot.


  • FileExistsError

    If the file already exists at save_to and overwrite is set to False.


The function plots the expression data with options to customize the appearance and statistical significance thresholds. It supports different data types (e.g., HexelExpressionSet, SensorExpressionSet) and can handle paired axes for left/right hemisphere data.


hide_axes(axes: Axes)

Hide all axes markings from a pyplot.Axes.


legend_display_dict(transforms: list[str], display_name) -> dict[str, str]

Creates a dictionary for the legend_display parameter of expression_plot().

This function maps each transform name in the provided list to a single display name, which can be used to group multiple transforms under one legend item in the plot.


  • transforms

    (list[str]) –

    A list of transform names to be grouped under the same display name.

  • display_name

    (str) –

    The display name to be used for all transforms in the list.


  • dict[str, str]

    dict[str, str]: A dictionary mapping each transform name to the provided display name.


plot_top_five_channels_of_gridsearch(latencies: NDArray, corrs: NDArray, transform: Transform, n_samples_per_split: int, n_reps: int, n_splits: int, auto_corrs: NDArray, log_pvalues: any, save_to: Optional[Path] = None, overwrite: bool = True)

Generates correlation and p-value plots showing the top five channels of the gridsearch.


  • latencies

    (NDArray[any]) –

    Array of latency values (e.g., time points in milliseconds) for the x-axis of the plots.

  • corrs

    (NDArray[any]) –

    Correlation coefficients array with shape (n_channels, n_conditions, n_splits, n_time_steps).

  • transform

    (Transform) –

    The transform object whose name attribute will be used in the plot title.

  • n_samples_per_split

    (int) –

    Number of samples per split used in the grid search.

  • n_reps

    (int) –

    Number of repetitions in the grid search.

  • n_splits

    (int) –

    Number of splits in the grid search.

  • auto_corrs

    (NDArray[any]) –

    Auto-correlation values array used for plotting the transform auto-correlation.

  • log_pvalues

    (any) –

    Array of log-transformed p-values for each channel and time point.

  • save_to

    (Optional[Path], default: None ) –

    Path to save the generated plot. If None, the plot is not saved. Default is None.

  • overwrite

    (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, overwrite the existing file if it exists. Default is True.


  • FileExistsError

    If the file already exists at save_to and overwrite is set to False.


The function generates two subplots:

  • The first subplot shows the correlation coefficients over latencies for the top five channels.
  • The second subplot shows the corresponding p-values for these channels.



  • do_gridsearch

    Perform a grid search over all hexels for all latencies using EMEG data and a given transform.


do_gridsearch(emeg_values: NDArray, transform: Transform, channel_names: list, channel_space: str, start_latency: float, emeg_t_start: float, stimulus_shift_correction: float, stimulus_delivery_latency: float, emeg_sample_rate: float, plot_location: Optional[Path] = None, n_derangements: int = 1, seconds_per_split: float = 1, n_splits: int = 400, n_reps: int = 1, plot_top_five_channels: bool = False, overwrite: bool = True) -> ExpressionSet

Perform a grid search over all hexels for all latencies using EMEG data and a given transform.

This function processes EMEG data to compute the correlation between sensor or source signals and a specified transform across multiple latencies. The results include statistical significance testing and optional plotting.


  • emeg_values

    (NDArray) –

    A 2D array of EMEG values with shape (channels, reps, time).

  • transform

    (Transform) –

    The transform against which the EMEG data will be correlated. It should have a values attribute representing the transform's values and a sample_rate attribute indicating its sample rate.

  • channel_names

    (list) –

    List of channel names corresponding to the EMEG data. For 'sensor' space, it is a flat list of sensor names. For 'source' space, it is a list containing two lists: left hemisphere and right hemisphere hexel names.

  • channel_space

    (str) –

    The type of channel space used, either 'sensor' or 'source'.

  • start_latency

    (float) –

    The starting latency for the grid search in milliseconds.

  • emeg_t_start

    (float) –

    The starting time of the EMEG data in milliseconds.

  • stimulus_shift_correction

    (float) –

    Correction factor for stimulus shift in seconds per second.

  • stimulus_delivery_latency

    (float) –

    Correction offset for stimulus delivery in seconds.

  • plot_location

    (Optional[Path], default: None ) –

    Path to save the plot of the top five channels of the grid search. If None, plotting is skipped. Default is None.

  • emeg_sample_rate

    (float) –

    The sample rate of the EMEG data in Hertz.

  • n_derangements

    (int, default: 1 ) –

    Number of derangements (random permutations) used to create the null distribution. Default is 1.

  • seconds_per_split

    (float, default: 1 ) –

    Duration of each split in seconds. Default is 0.5 seconds.

  • n_splits

    (int, default: 400 ) –

    Number of splits used for analysis. Default is 800.

  • n_reps

    (int, default: 1 ) –

    Number of repetitions for each split. Default is 1.

  • plot_top_five_channels

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Plots the p-values and correlation values of the top five channels in the gridsearch. Default is False.

  • overwrite

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to overwrite existing plot files. Default is True.


  • ExpressionSet ( ExpressionSet ) –

    An ExpressionSet object (either SensorExpressionSet or HexelExpressionSet)

  • ExpressionSet

    containing the log p-values for each channel/hexel and latency.

  • The function down-samples the EMEG data to match the transform's sample rate.
  • The EMEG data is reshaped into segments of the specified duration (seconds_per_split).
  • Cross-correlations between the EMEG data and the transform are computed using FFT.
  • Statistical significance is assessed using a vectorized Welch's t-test.
  • If specified, the results are plotted and saved to the given location.



load_expression_set(from_path_or_file: PathType | FileType | list[PathType]) -> ExpressionSet

Loads an ExpressionSet from the specified path(s) or open file.

The function determines the type of ExpressionSet (HexelExpressionSet or SensorExpressionSet) based on the data loaded from the provided path or file. It then constructs and returns an instance of the appropriate ExpressionSet subclass.


  • from_path_or_file

    (PathType | FileType | list[PathType]) –

    The path, file, or list of paths from which to load the data.


  • ExpressionSet ( ExpressionSet ) –

    An instance of either HexelExpressionSet or SensorExpressionSet, depending on the type identifier in the data.


  • KeyError

    If required keys are missing in the data dictionary.

  • ValueError

    If the type identifier is not recognized.


save_expression_set(expression_set: ExpressionSet, to_path_or_file: PathType | FileType, compression=ZIP_LZMA, overwrite: bool = False)

Save the given ExpressionSet to a specified path or an already open file.

This function saves the ExpressionSet data into a compressed file format. If a file path is provided, it creates and writes to the file. If an open file is supplied, it should be opened in "wb" mode. The overwrite flag is ignored if an open file is supplied.


  • expression_set

    (ExpressionSet) –

    The ExpressionSet object to be saved.

  • to_path_or_file

    (PathType | FileType) –

    The path or open file where the ExpressionSet will be saved.

  • compression

    The compression method to use (default is ZIP_LZMA).

  • overwrite

    (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, allows overwriting an existing file (default is False).


  • FileExistsError

    If the specified path already exists and overwrite is False.

  • TypeError

    If the provided path or file type is invalid.

  • The compression parameter should be compatible with the ZipFile class.
  • The function writes various metadata and data blocks in a structured format within the zip file.


  • get_root_dir

    Get the root directory based on the configuration parameters.

  • load_config

    Load configuration parameters from a specified path or file.

  • modify_param_config

    Modify a specific configuration parameter in the given configuration file.


get_root_dir(config: dict) -> str

Get the root directory based on the configuration parameters.

This function returns the appropriate root directory path based on the 'data_location' parameter in the provided configuration dictionary.


  • config

    (dict) –

    The configuration dictionary containing the 'data_location' parameter.


  • str ( str ) –

    The root directory path corresponding to the 'data_location' parameter.


  • ValueError

    If the 'data_location' parameter is not 'local', 'cbu', or 'cbu-local'.


load_config(config_location: PathType | FileType)

Load configuration parameters from a specified path or file.

This function reads the configuration parameters from a YAML file located at the given path or open file.


  • config_location

    (PathType | FileType) –

    The path to the configuration file or an open file object.


  • dict

    The configuration parameters loaded from the file.


  • FileNotFoundError

    If the specified path does not exist.

  • YAMLError

    If there is an error in parsing the YAML file.


modify_param_config(config_location: str, key: str, value)

Modify a specific configuration parameter in the given configuration file.

This function updates the value of a specified key in the configuration file and saves the changes.


  • config_location

    (str) –

    The path to the configuration file.

  • key

    (str) –

    The key of the configuration parameter to be modified.

  • value

    The new value to be assigned to the specified key.


  • FileNotFoundError

    If the specified configuration file does not exist.

  • YAMLError

    If there is an error in parsing the YAML file.



  • plot_denoised_vs_noisy

    Utility function to plot the noisy and denoised versions. It runs the supplied clusterer and then copies the denoised spikes, which

  • plot_ippm

    Plots an acyclic, directed graph using the graph held in graph. Edges are generated using BSplines.

  • plot_k_dist_1D

    This could be optimised further but since we aren't using it, we can leave it as it is.

  • stem_plot

    Plots a stem plot using spikes.


plot_denoised_vs_noisy(spikes: SpikeDict, clusterer, title: str)

Utility function to plot the noisy and denoised versions. It runs the supplied clusterer and then copies the denoised spikes, which are fed into a stem plot.


spikes: spikes we want to denoise then plot clusterer: A child class of DenoisingStrategy that implements .cluster title: title of plot


Nothing but plots a graph.


plot_ippm(graph: IPPMGraph, colors: dict[str, str], title: Optional[str] = None, scale_spikes: bool = False, figheight: int = 5, figwidth: int = 10, arrowhead_dims: tuple[float, float] = None, linewidth: float = 3, show_labels: bool = True)

Plots an acyclic, directed graph using the graph held in graph. Edges are generated using BSplines.


  • graph

    (NodeDict) –

    Dictionary with keys as node names and values as IPPMNode objects. Contains nodes as keys and magnitude, position, and incoming edges in the IPPMNode object.

  • colors

    (dict[str, str]) –

    Dictionary with keys as node names and values as colors in hexadecimal. Contains the color for each transform. The nodes and edges are colored accordingly.

  • title

    (str, default: None ) –

    Title of the plot.

  • scale_spikes

    (bool, default: False ) –

    scales the node by the significance. Default is False

  • figheight

    (int, default: 5 ) –

    Height of the plot. Defaults to 5.

  • figwidth

    (int, default: 10 ) –

    Width of the plot. Defaults to 10.

  • show_labels

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Show transform names as labels on the graph. Defaults to True.


plot_k_dist_1D(timings: list[ExpressionPairing], k: int = 4, normalise: bool = False)

This could be optimised further but since we aren't using it, we can leave it as it is.

A utility function to plot the k-dist graph for a set of timings. Essentially, the k dist graph plots the distance to the kth neighbour for each point. By inspecting the gradient of the graph, we can gain some intuition behind the density of points within the dataset, which can feed into selecting the optimal DBSCAN hyperparameters.

For more details refer to section 4.2 in


timings: list of timings extracted from a spikes. It contains the timings for one transform and one hemisphere k: the k we use to find the kth neighbour. Paper above advises to use k=4. normalise: whether to normalise before plotting the k-dist. It is important because the k-dist then equally weights both dimensions.


Nothing but plots a graph.


stem_plot(spikes: SpikeDict, title: Optional[str] = None, timepoints: int = 201, y_limit: float = pow(10, -100), number_of_spikes: int = 200000, figheight: int = 7, figwidth: int = 12)

Plots a stem plot using spikes.

spikes : Contains transform spikes in the form of a spike object. All timings are found there.
title : Title of plot.

A graphing functions used to construct a dictionary that contains the nodes and all relevant information to construct a dict containing node names as keys and Node objects (see namedtuple) as values.



IPPMBuilder(spikes: SpikeDict, inputs: list[str], hierarchy: TransformHierarchy, hemisphere: str, y_ordinate: str = progressive, serial_sequence: list[list[str]] = None, avoid_collinearity: bool = True)
list of serial sequence of parallel steps of functions. e.g. first entry is list of all inputs,

second entry is list of all functions immediately downstream of inputs, etc.

avoid_collinearity: if True, vertically nudges each successive serial step to prevent steps from overlapping


Bases: NamedTuple

A node to be drawn in an IPPM graph.


Bases: StrEnum

Enumeration for Y-ordinate plotting styles.


  • progressive

    Points are plotted with increasing y ordinates.

  • centered

    Points are vertically centered.


Classes and functions for storing expression information.


  • ExpressionSet

    Brain data associated with expression of a single transform.

  • HexelExpressionSet

    Brain data associated with expression of a single transform in hexel space.

  • SensorExpressionSet

    Brain data associated with the expression of a single transform in sensor space.


  • combine

    Combines a sequence of ExpressionSets into a single ExpressionSet.


ExpressionSet(transforms: str | Sequence[str], latencies: Sequence[Latency], data_blocks: dict[str, _InputDataArray | Sequence[_InputDataArray]], channel_coord_name: str, channel_coord_dtype, channel_coord_values: dict[str, Sequence])

Bases: ABC

Brain data associated with expression of a single transform. Data is log10 p-values.

Initializes the ExpressionSet with the provided data.


  • transforms

    (str | Sequence[str]) –

    Transform name, or sequence of names.

  • latencies

    (Sequence[Latency]) –

    Latency values.

  • data_blocks

    (dict[str, _InputDataArray | Sequence[_InputDataArray]]) –

    Mapping of block names to data arrays (log10 p-values).

    In general there are two possible formats for this argument.

    In the first (safer, more explicit and flexible) format, data_blocks contains a dict mapping block names to data arrays. E.g., in the case there are three transforms in a hexel setting:

                      # each array is (channel, latency)-shaped
                      # and there's one for each transform
                      # ↓
            "left":  [array(...), array(...), array(...)],
            "right": [array(...), array(...), array(...)],
    or in a sensor setting:
            "scalp": [array(...), array(...), array(...)],
    (and where array(...) can be a numpy array or a sparse array). In this format, all data arrays should be the same size.

    In the second (more performant) format, data_blocks contains a single data array whose transform dimensions can be concatenated to achieve the desired resultant data block. E.g.

                      # each array is (channel, latency, transform)-shaped
                      # ↓
            "left":  array(...),
            "right": array(...),

  • channel_coord_name

    (str) –

    Name of the channel coordinate.

  • channel_coord_dtype

    Data type of the channel coordinate.

  • channel_coord_values

    (dict[str, Sequence]) –

    Dictionary mapping block names to channel coordinate values.


  • ValueError

    when arguments are invalid


  • best_transforms

    Note that channels for which the best p-value is 1 will be omitted.

  • crop

    Returns a copy of the ExpressionSet with latencies cropped between the two endpoints (inclusive).

  • rename

    Renames the transforms and channels within an ExpressionSet.


  • latencies (NDArray[LatencyDType]) –

    Latencies, in seconds.

  • transforms (list[TransformNameDType]) –

    Transform names.

latencies property

latencies: NDArray[LatencyDType]

Latencies, in seconds.

transforms property

transforms: list[TransformNameDType]

Transform names.

best_transforms abstractmethod

best_transforms() -> DataFrame | tuple[DataFrame, ...]

Note that channels for which the best p-value is 1 will be omitted.

crop abstractmethod

crop(latency_start: float | None, latency_stop: float | None) -> Self

Returns a copy of the ExpressionSet with latencies cropped between the two endpoints (inclusive).


  • latency_start
    (float | None) –

    Latency in seconds to start the cropped window. Use None for no cropping at the start (e.g. half-open crop).

  • latency_stop
    (float | None) –

    Latency in seconds to stop the cropped window. Use None for no cropping at the end (e.g. half-open crop).


  • Self ( Self ) –

    A copy of the ExpressionSet with the latencies cropped between the specified start and stop.


rename(transforms: dict[str, str] = None, channels: dict = None) -> None

Renames the transforms and channels within an ExpressionSet.

Supply a dictionary mapping old values to new values.

Raises KeyError if one of the keys in the renaming dictionary is not a transform name in the expression set.


HexelExpressionSet(transforms: str | Sequence[str], hexels_lh: Sequence[Hexel], hexels_rh: Sequence[Hexel], latencies: Sequence[Latency], data_lh: _InputDataArray | Sequence[_InputDataArray], data_rh: _InputDataArray | Sequence[_InputDataArray])

Bases: ExpressionSet

Brain data associated with expression of a single transform in hexel space. Includes lh, rh, flipped, non-flipped. Data is log10 p-values


  • best_transforms

    Return a pair of DataFrames (left, right), containing:

  • rename

    Renames the transforms and channels within an ExpressionSet.


  • hexels_left (NDArray[HexelDType]) –

    Hexels, canonical ID.

  • hexels_right (NDArray[HexelDType]) –

    Hexels, canonical ID.

  • latencies (NDArray[LatencyDType]) –

    Latencies, in seconds.

  • left (DataArray) –

    Left-hemisphere data.

  • right (DataArray) –

    Right-hemisphere data.

  • transforms (list[TransformNameDType]) –

    Transform names.

hexels_left property

hexels_left: NDArray[HexelDType]

Hexels, canonical ID.

hexels_right property

hexels_right: NDArray[HexelDType]

Hexels, canonical ID.

latencies property

latencies: NDArray[LatencyDType]

Latencies, in seconds.

left property

left: DataArray

Left-hemisphere data.

right property

right: DataArray

Right-hemisphere data.

transforms property

transforms: list[TransformNameDType]

Transform names.


best_transforms() -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]

Return a pair of DataFrames (left, right), containing: for each hexel, the best transform and latency for that hexel, and the associated log p-value

Note that channels for which the best p-value is 1 will be omitted.


rename(transforms: dict[str, str] = None, channels: dict = None) -> None

Renames the transforms and channels within an ExpressionSet.

Supply a dictionary mapping old values to new values.

Raises KeyError if one of the keys in the renaming dictionary is not a transform name in the expression set.


SensorExpressionSet(transforms: str | Sequence[str], sensors: Sequence[Sensor], latencies: Sequence[Latency], data: _InputDataArray | Sequence[_InputDataArray])

Bases: ExpressionSet

Brain data associated with the expression of a single transform in sensor space. Includes left hemisphere (lh), right hemisphere (rh), flipped, and non-flipped data. Data is represented as log10 p-values.

Initialize the SensorExpressionSet with transform names, sensor metadata, latency information, and log p-value data.


  • transforms

    (str | Sequence[str]) –

    The names of the transforms being evaluated.

  • sensors

    (Sequence[Sensor]) –

    Metadata about the sensors used in the study.

  • latencies

    (Sequence[Latency]) –

    Latency information corresponding to the data.

  • data

    (_InputDataArray | Sequence[_InputDataArray]) –

    Log p-values representing the data.


  • best_transforms

    Return a DataFrame containing:

  • rename

    Renames the transforms and channels within an ExpressionSet.


  • latencies (NDArray[LatencyDType]) –

    Latencies, in seconds.

  • scalp (DataArray) –

    Get the left-hemisphere data.

  • sensors (NDArray[SensorDType]) –

    Get the sensor metadata.

  • transforms (list[TransformNameDType]) –

    Transform names.

latencies property

latencies: NDArray[LatencyDType]

Latencies, in seconds.

scalp property

scalp: DataArray

Get the left-hemisphere data.

sensors property

sensors: NDArray[SensorDType]

Get the sensor metadata.


  • NDArray[SensorDType]

    NDArray[SensorDType]: Array of sensor metadata.

transforms property

transforms: list[TransformNameDType]

Transform names.


best_transforms() -> DataFrame

Return a DataFrame containing: for each sensor, the best transform and latency for that sensor, and the associated log p-value

Note that channels for which the best p-value is 1 will be omitted.


rename(transforms: dict[str, str] = None, channels: dict = None) -> None

Renames the transforms and channels within an ExpressionSet.

Supply a dictionary mapping old values to new values.

Raises KeyError if one of the keys in the renaming dictionary is not a transform name in the expression set.


combine(expression_sets: Sequence[T_ExpressionSetSubclass]) -> T_ExpressionSetSubclass

Combines a sequence of ExpressionSets into a single ExpressionSet. All must be suitable for combination, e.g. same type, same channels, etc.